Place Ref: 03131023
Landlord: Bolsover District Council
Two bedroomed bungalow in the village of Blackwell This property has its own garden to the rear of the property With full double glazing and central heating.
Priority will be given to applicants in band A Band A Urgent priority statutory housing need to move these are applicants that are owed a statutory award of ?reasonable preference? but whom the Council also believes should also be awarded ?additional preference? based on their very urgent housing need. Band B High priority statutory housing need to move: This band consists of applicants that are owed a statutory award of ?reasonable preference? under the policy and have been awarded Band B priority based on their assessed high housing need. Band C Lower priority statutory housing need to move: This band consists of: a) Applicants with a statutory need but that need is assessed as being lower than Band B b) Applicants over the age of 60 without a statutory housing need and who are not homeowners and are willing to consider accepting a tenancy for older person housing only in the district.
N.B. The map shows the centre of the property's postcode, not the individual property location